News and Events

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The AFFRICA project aims to offer a digital edition of Book I of Petrarch's Africa accompanied by new translation and to initiate renewed 

Professor Valerie Higgins recorded a podcast on the trafficking of antiquities for the popular broadcaster History Hit, now available at 

The American University of Rome (AUR) offers an enriching educational pathway for students passionate about the past and the artistic expressions that have shaped our world.

The Aventinus Minor Project (AMP) is a fascinating educational & community-focused enterprise that sees AUR Archaeology & Classics students working alongside seasoned archaeologists and educators excavating one of the few relatively unexplored areas of central Rome.

Professor Jens Koehler recently presented a lecture to the DWhG (Deutsche Wasserhistorische Gesellschaft/German Water-Historical Society) on Caesar’s Forum or, m

Professor Giulia Facchin's class, Archaeology & Classics 203: Global Heritage, is studying heritage and conflict, using Ukraine as a case study. Each student in the class has contributed a snapshot of a particular heritage site.

Evelyn Hill is one of those AUR students who arrived in Rome to study, became enamored with all things Italy, and decided to stay in the bel paese after graduation.

Brayden and Jenny Johnson’s arrival at AUR was a long time coming: they set their sights on AUR when they fell in love with Rome – and our campus – on a visit in 2019, but had to put their plans to make the jump to Rome on hold.

Professor Marco Conti was born in Rome in the period between the Rome Summer Olympics and the Second Vatican Council (you can go and work that date out now!).

Born in San Jose, California, Professor Elizabeth Wueste is an Assistant Professor and Program Director of Archaeology and Classics.